Masako, Forks and Stuff
By Adrian Sutton
Crazy Apple Rumors updated the look of their site today in what would have to be one of the most disastrous site overhauls I’ve seen. The all new forums were instantly filled with a whole bunch of people complaining about the new look of the site. Fortunately, Crazy Apple Rumors being as it is, the conversation rapidly turned to the joys of having Masako (the CARS web designer and rumored to be most attractive and feminine) poke you with a fork – apparently she does that kind of thing a lot. It does occur to me however that judging by the general accuracy of rumors at CARS, Masako could in fact be a fat middle aged balding man with no fork. I’m not sure if the thought of a large number of people lining up to be forked by a beautiful woman is more disturbing that them being turned away because the beautiful woman was neither beautiful or womanish. Actually, most disturbing is probably the fact that most of them would still line up for the forking by the fat middle aged balding man with no fork. Anyway, go read the comments, they’re quite funny with the CARS staff all getting involved.