MarchFest Wrap-up
By Adrian Sutton
Wow, what a fantastic day. MarchFest was yesterday and for those who didn’t make it, you missed a sensational day. While there’s always a few things that go wrong when you put on a big production like MarchFest is, things went exceptionally smoothly and all the reports coming back have been really positive. It was particularly good to see the number of people who offered to help out and did so with such talent and energy. We even had a few people email us completely out of the blue offering to help out. Anyway, I’m going to bed as I haven’t had much sleep this weekend and I spent most of my waking time either lugging around heavy staging, PA systems or lighting or running madly between the two venues to make sure that the next band at each venue got set up quickly with all the sound stuff they need. The life of a stage manager and sound engineer in one is never easy. Good fun though. Hopefully now I’ll have some more time to do some recording with Soul Purpose and finish writing my musical.