Spamassassin Knows Me Too Well
By Adrian Sutton
Continuing my spam theme of late. Today I received a message from “* Rochelle *” that wound up in my inbox. Since I have so many carefully crafted filters to dump mail in the appropriate mailbox anything that winds up in my inbox is immediately suspected as spam that spamassassin missed. This message hit massive alarm bells in my head and I just couldn’t work out why spamassassin had missed it. The subject line was “hey!!!” and the body of the message was bright pink with embedded images that had blocked. Worst of all, it was from a hotmail address similar to “I’m your lollypop”. Naturally that first quick glance was enough for me to start dragging it to the spam folder. While doing so I fortunately noticed the phrase “Tom’s birthday party” and it just seemed too much of a coincidence considering I’d attended my cousin Tom’s birthday party a couple of weeks ago. Turns out the mail was legit and from someone I’d been waiting to hear from for a fair while. The moral of the story – trust in spamassassin. Or maybe, look before you hit delete as spam. Or maybe that you shouldn’t use hotmail addresses that include talk of lollipops along with HTML email and bright pink backgrounds. Yeah, definitely don’t do the pink background thing…..