I’m A Browser Junkie…
By Adrian Sutton
It’s a little bit scary to look at the number of browsers I have in my dock and regularly use. Mostly this comes about because of the need to test on all the different browsers but still. I have a similar range of browsers on my Windows box at work (it adds Mozilla and Opera to the mix but obviously takes out Camino, Safari and OmniWeb).
In case you don’t recognize the icons, the browsers pictured from top to bottom are: Camino, Safari, Safari (built from CVS), Firefox, Deer Park (Alpha of Firefox 1.5, needs to be upgraded to the beta still, but last week was too hectic to be testing browser betas), OmniWeb and IE.
On my windows box at work I think I have Opera, IE, Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape 7, Netscape 4.8, MyIE 2 and Avant.