iPhone Goodness
By Adrian Sutton
I think one of my best purchases in a long while has been my fancy new iPhone. It was originally a major splurge just because it was cool but it’s so functional and easy to use that I’m using it constantly and looking for ways to get everything on the iPhone. My email has always been IMAP so that got on there pretty quickly and it didn’t take too long to find newsgator’s iPhone rss reader that syncs with NetNewsWire so now my feeds are on it as well. Most recently I’ve found a wordpress plugin that optimizes the admin interface for iPhone. As such I’m happily blogging from my iPhone and there’s one less reason to get out of bed… Of course I suspect the formattingof this post is going to go haywire as various plugins interfere with each other but once I see what happens it should be easy enough to fix. The big downside I’ve found is that while you can add a site to your home screen, whenever you tap it a new safari tab is opened so I wind up with a heap I newsgator tabs left open. It would also be nice to have an icon badge with the number of unread items. The HTML only API is so close to being all you need but not quite. Once you’re in the app it really does feel lie a native iPhone app. I’ve seen a number of sites detect the iPhone and you simply forget you’re still in the browser. The only other gripe I’ve got is that newsgator doesnt remember your login which is stupid and very annoying. That’s not something the iPhone can really control though.