Using WebPack with Buck
By Adrian Sutton
I’ve been gradually tidying up the build process for UI stuff at LMAX. We had been using a mix of requires and browserify – both pretty sub-optimally configured. Obviously when you have too many ways of doing things the answer is to introduce another new way so I’ve converted everything over to webpack.
Webpack is most often used as part of a node or gulp/grunt build process but our overall build process is controlled by Buck so I’ve had to work it into that setup. I was also keen to minimise the amount of code that had to be changed to support the new build process.
The final key requirement, which had almost entirely been missed by our previous UI build attempts was the ability to easily create reusable UI modules that are shared by some, but not all projects. Buck shuns the use of repositories in favour of a single source tree with everything in it so an internal npm repo wasn’t going to fly.
While the exact details are probably pretty specific to our setup, the overall shape of the build likely has benefit. We have separate buck targets (using genrule) for a few different key stages:
Build node_modules
We use npm to install third party dependencies to build the node_modules directory we’ll need. We do this in an offline way by checking in the node cache as CI doesn’t have internet access but it’s pretty unsatisfactory. Checking in node_modules directory was tried previously but both svn and git have massive problems with the huge numbers of files it winds up containing.
yarn has much better offline support and other benefits as well, but it’s offline support requires a cache and the cache has every package already expanded so it winds up with hundreds of thousands of files to check in and deal with. Further investigations are required here…
For our projects that use Angular 2, this is actually the slowest part of our entire build (UI and server side). rxjs seems to be the main source of issues as it takes forever to install. Fortunately we don’t change our third party modules often and we can utilise the shared cache of artefacts so developers don’t wind up building this step locally too often.
Setup a Workspace and Generate webpack.config.js
We don’t want to have to repeat the same configuration for webpack, typescript, karma etc for everything UI thing we build. So our build process generates them for us, tweaking things as needed to account for the small differences between projects. It also grabs the node_modules from the previous step and installs any of our own shared components (with npm install <local/path/to/component>).
Build UI Stuff
Now we’ve got something that looks just like most stand-alone javascript projects would have – config files at the root, source ready to combine/minify etc. At this point we can just run things out of node_modules. So we have a target to build with ./node_modules/.bin/webpack, run tests with ./node_modules/.bin/karma or start the webpack dev server.
Buck can then pick up those results and integrate them where they’re needed in the final outputs ready for deployment.